Military Marriage Counseling

Being married in the military can be a lonely and challenging journey.

Let our Denver highly trained therapists who have backgrounds and experiences in Military Marriage Counseling give you strategies and skills to heal and strengthen your relationship.

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  • Have you stopped telling your partner about your day due to your fear of setting him/her off?

  • Do you feel the distance between you and your partner have become bigger and bigger?

  • Are you feeling more lonely and isolated and not sure how to get support from your loved one due to frequent moves or deployments?

  • Are you worrying that your life partner doesn’t really care about you anymore?

  • Have you been going through suspected infidelity or realized infidelity and not sure what to do next?

  • Is your partner’s traumatic experience impacting your guys’ ability to communicate and have fun together?

If you resonate with any of the issues above or experience any relationship difficulty due to being in the military, Denver Military Marriage Counseling can help.

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All couples face difficulties as they go through their relationship journey. Military couples though, have to deal with the extra stress of last minute moving across the country, deployment and the subsequent mental health issues like depression, anxiety and PTSD. 20% of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans reported experiencing some type of mental health condition, and that put a lot of strain on marriages. Even non deployed military couples found their relationships difficult due to marrying too young and moving too often.

We understand the impacts of military life style on relationship and intimacy satisfaction levels.

Our Military Marriage Counselors are well trained in doing couples therapy, marriage counseling and sex therapy as well as treating mental health conditions. We work collaboratively and diligently with our military couples to help them understand the underlying issues in their dynamic and come up with strategies and plans to move forward.

Navigating a relationship is hard, but it doesn’t have to be.

Let us help you build the relationship that you want.